Monday, June 28, 2010

Auto Insurance and Leasing

When leasing a car, it’s easier to stick with the same company for your auto insurance. What you don’t know, however, is that you may end up paying too much for your coverage and it’s better to look elsewhere for lower rates.

When you lease, the vehicle that you will drive belongs to the leasing company. They want to make sure that their investment is covered in the event the vehicle gets damaged, totalled or stolen. They typically want to get covered for the difference between what your auto-insurer pays and your outstanding leasing obligations at the time of the accident or damage. This is called GAP, short for Guaranteed Auto Protection, and is usually included in the leasing contract.
If your leasing company is called BMW Financial Services, Chrysler Financial or any other finance division of an automaker, then chances are your GAP insurance will be offered by the same lease company.   

You are under no obligation to accept GAP insurance included as part of your lease agreement. Why pay an insurance premium if you could get the same coverage for a lower price? Invest some time shopping by comparing quotes from other insurance companies such as Cheap inexpensive affordable vehicle insurance company, including your existing one. Ask for discounts that you already qualify for and adjust your coverage accordingly.


  1. Hello, We,, have received the following alert message for all services of our website in Google Webmaster Tools:

    “We’ve reviewed your site and we still see links to your site that violate our quality guidelines. Specifically, look for possibly artificial or unnatural links pointing to your site that could be intended to manipulate PageRank. Examples of unnatural linking could include buying links to pass PageRank or participating in bad link schemes.”

    Hence, we analyzed our backlinks to look for artificial or unnatural links from the sites that are linking to us. Unfortunately, your website falls under this category, unintentionally making Google consider us participating in fraudulent link schemes.

    Below is the list of the pages of your website that we’d like to be unlinked from:

    Finally, please keep in mind that unlinking will be beneficial to both our and your/your client’s sites and do not offer paid unlinking since we never put these links ourselves. Apparently they are results of blackhat SEO campaigns conducted by our competitors (unfortunately there appears to be no way to track and identify the abuser), and our both sites were involved 50/50% due to being vulnerable to such kind of attacks, which makes us believe that it will be fair if you or your client unlink from us free of charge, as courtesy.

    Best regards,

  2. Hi,

    I am contacting you from a third party agency who is contracted by “” to monitor and improve the organic ranking of their website in various search engines. As part of a recent update to search engine algorithms, Google's tools have detected that there are some links from various pages of your website which have now been considered "spam" by Google and are having a harmful effect on
    rankings. This is due to the way in which these links were created.

    Organic rankings and traffic to the site are vital to our client's business, and so it is important for us to bring our site into compliance so that we do not continue to be penalized by what Google thinks are links we acquired purposefully against their Webmaster Guidelines. Since this was not the case, we are formally requesting that you remove all the links to the site from your website.
    In addition, I will be forwarding this email to Google to verify that we are taking the proper measures.

    The link to my client's site is on the following page:

    Thanks again

  3. We have spent the last month analyzing our websites backlinks after receiving a manual penalty. In doing so we discovered many links that we had no idea existed. We aren't sure if a previous SEO company had built these links or if it happened to be a competitor trying to hurt us. It seems that your website is one of those sites that has links built to our website can view the list of links below:
    Would you mind giving us a hand and removing the links from to our website from those pages and any others that may exist? This would help us tremendously as Google will be reviewing our reconsideration request case shortly.Thank you!
